Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Παρασκευή 23 Μαρτίου 2018

Subunit Reconstruction of Mid-Facial Defects With Free Style Facial Perforator Flaps

Introduction: Reconstruction of facial defects is not only important for cosmesis but also for the function. Local flaps are considered the best reconstruction method for facial defects. The authors want to show the feasibility of free style facial perforator flap for the reconstruction of moderate sized mid-facial defects. Methods: Free style facial artery and lateral nasal artery perforator flaps were performed in 22 patients (11 males and 11 females) who had removal of facial tumor between March 2015 and December 2016 Results: The median age of patients was 62 years (range: 35–84). The mean follow-up period was 12.6 months (range: 5–24). Pathology results were basal cell carcinoma in 13 patients, squamous cell carcinoma in 6 patients, and other skin tumors in 3 patients. The defect size ranged from 2 × 2 to 5 × 5 cm. No major or minor complication happened but 1 flap had venous congestion that healed without any intervention Conclusion: Free style facial perforator flaps are highly reliable flaps with wide range of motion. In addition, they provide single-stage closure with esthetic subunit reconstruction. With the current knowledge of reconstruction and skills of microsurgery, they can be easily the first choice for the closure of mid-facial defects. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Utku Can Dölen, MD, Division of Plastic Surgery, Washington University in St Louis, St Louis, MO; E-mail: utkuchan@gmail.com Received 24 December, 2017 Accepted 9 February, 2018 The authors report no conflicts of interest. © 2018 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.

from #ORL-AlexandrosSfakianakis via ola Kala on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2FYDlSN

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