Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017

Real-time Simultaneous DKG and 2D DKG Using High-speed Digital Camera.

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Real-time Simultaneous DKG and 2D DKG Using High-speed Digital Camera.

J Voice. 2017 Mar;31(2):247.e1-247.e7

Authors: Kang DH, Wang SG, Park HJ, Lee JC, Jeon GR, Choi IS, Kim SJ, Shin BJ

INTRODUCTION: For the evaluation of voice disorders, direct observation of vocal cord vibration is important. Among the various methods, laryngeal videostroboscopy (LVS) is widely used, but it was not a true image because it collects images from different cycles. In contrast, high-speed videoendoscopy and videokymography have much higher frame rates and can assess functional and mobility disorders.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study is to describe real-time, simultaneous digital kymography (DKG), two-dimensional scanning (2D) DKG, and multi-frame (MF) LVS system using a high-speed digital camera, and identify the efficacy of this system in evaluating vibratory patterns of pathologic voice.
METHODS: The pattern of vocal fold vibration was evaluated in a vocally healthy subject and in subjects with vocal polyp, vocal nodules, vocal cord scar, and vocal cord paralysis. We used both quantitative (left-right phase symmetry, amplitude symmetry index) and qualitative (anterior-posterior phase symmetry) parameters for assessment of vocal fold vibration.
RESULTS: Our system could record videos within seconds and required relatively little memory. The speed of replay in the DKG, 2D DKG, MF LVS, and high-speed videoendoscopy was controllable. The number of frame per cycle with MF LVS was almost the same as the fundamental frequency.
CONCLUSION: Our system can provide images of various modalities simultaneously in real time and analyze morphological and functional vibratory patterns. It can be possible to provide a greater level of information for the diagnosis and treatment of vibratory disorders.

PMID: 27839706 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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