Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 22 Νοεμβρίου 2017

Low-level laser therapy on postoperative pain after mandibular third molar surgery


May Ayad Hamid

Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery 2017 7(2):207-216

Introduction: The analgesic effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) after mandibular third molar (MTM) extraction is controversial. The aim is to evaluate the effect of intraoral LLLT on postoperative pain after MTMs extraction. Methods: Thirty patients with bilateral symmetrical impacted MTMs underwent surgical extractions. Experimental and control sides were randomly selected to receive LLLT or placebo. Following suturing, a dental assistant applied 810 nm gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs) at three points for 30 s each with a total energy of 9 J. Pain was recorded on a visual analog scale on the 7 successive days. Results: Data analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics 23 for Windows with P ≤ 0.05 signifi cance level. LLLT appeared to have a high signifi cant effect on pain reduction; however, there was a mild increase in pain after the 4th day. Conclusion: Intraoral 810 nm GaAlAs is effective in reducing postoperative pain when a dose of 32.86 J/cm2 is used.

from #ORL-AlexandrosSfakianakis via ola Kala on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2B5pd3c

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